Book Meme
A most unique and entertaining blog comes to us from Birdsong. Both her interests and her location are brought to us in writing and in photographs. Check out the burros!
She has asked for answers to several questions about books, so here are mine.
l. Total number of books in your house.
About 300 at present - there were more that were given away when a move from house to apartment took place.
2. Last book bought.
An Annie Dillard trilogy.
3. Last book read.
A Penguin Classic edition of Homer's Odyssey.
4. Five or six books you often reread or that mean a lot to you.
Jan Karon: At Home In Mitford - for calm bedtime reading.
P.G. Wodehouse: Uncle Fred in the Springtime - for laugh-out-loud pleasure.
Ngaio Marsh: Night At The Vulcan - for a theatre mystery with a great romance.
Jane Austen: Emma - because she is lovable in spite of herself.
Leon Lederman: The God Particle - a comical introduction to physics.
Charlotte MacCleod: Rest You Merry - a humorous mystery for those of us who like to decorate our houses and yards at Christmastime, and contains a great romance.
It will be interesting to hear how many books Stitches of Violet has in her home and what she prefers to read and reread.
She has asked for answers to several questions about books, so here are mine.
l. Total number of books in your house.
About 300 at present - there were more that were given away when a move from house to apartment took place.
2. Last book bought.
An Annie Dillard trilogy.
3. Last book read.
A Penguin Classic edition of Homer's Odyssey.
4. Five or six books you often reread or that mean a lot to you.
Jan Karon: At Home In Mitford - for calm bedtime reading.
P.G. Wodehouse: Uncle Fred in the Springtime - for laugh-out-loud pleasure.
Ngaio Marsh: Night At The Vulcan - for a theatre mystery with a great romance.
Jane Austen: Emma - because she is lovable in spite of herself.
Leon Lederman: The God Particle - a comical introduction to physics.
Charlotte MacCleod: Rest You Merry - a humorous mystery for those of us who like to decorate our houses and yards at Christmastime, and contains a great romance.
It will be interesting to hear how many books Stitches of Violet has in her home and what she prefers to read and reread.
A fascinating post answering the book meme sent by Birdsong!
This blog has already given me a list of books I want to read...
Anonymous, at 5/22/2005 5:40 PM
You tagged me?
OK, I'll do it, but you owe me! How about loaning me the Annie Dillard books when you're done with them?
Marguerite, at 5/22/2005 6:06 PM
A booklist! YAY! Shall I read "Physics For Dummies" beforehand? :)
To Marguerite: If ever anyone deserved her very own copy of Annie's "Pilgrim At Tinker Creek", it's you. You will absolutely LOVE it---especially from a naturalist's point of view!
Anonymous, at 5/22/2005 7:41 PM
Lederman's book IS physics for dummies! With a laugh, yet.
marguerite louise, at 5/22/2005 7:48 PM
Hey Odysseuse, did you buy Pilgrim at Tinker Creek?
Marguerite, at 5/22/2005 9:49 PM
Yes! It is one of the books in the package of three Annie Dillard titles.
marguerite louise, at 5/22/2005 9:53 PM
Kimberly, I'm very sorry your comment disappeared. I had a problem with the blog - because, you know, I am just a beginner at this blogging stuff - and I accidently deleted it.Everything was deleted!
I hope it will not happen again!
As far as I know, Annie Dillard writes about nature and also about how to write effectively. Other than that, I don't know. I'll report after I've read the books.
marguerite louise, at 5/22/2005 10:46 PM
"O wonderful, wonderful, and most wonderful-wonderful! and yet again wonderful! and after that, out of all whooping!"
Yup, I love your answers!
Once more to Amazon...
Anonymous, at 5/23/2005 12:03 AM
I am so glad to see that you love P.D. Wodehouse and Jane Austin too!
Birdsong, at 5/23/2005 1:26 PM
My feeling of wealth is measured by a stack of unread books, beckoning from their corner. Your answers to the book meme increased my wealth today by 3 books (including an Austen collection).
Thank you kindly!
Anonymous, at 5/23/2005 3:19 PM
About P G Wodehouse: The novel is set in London, England and the characters are British. The first few pages will introduce the characters and after that the fun begins. A clue: when the word "pound" appears, it refers to money. A pound when the book was written was worth about $5 in American dollars. Hope you like the story!
marguerite louise, at 5/24/2005 8:54 AM
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