Odysseuse on the Move

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Oops Report - New Blue Cast

This post is being written by my daughter. All spelling and grammar mistakes are hers and hers alone.

Mom in her new light blue cast

Aren't I looking better? (Better than what? Look here.)

Yesterday I traded in the huge, heavy, plaster, shoulder to knuckle cast for this new, pretty light blue fiberglas model.

The good news, I can bend my elbow now. The bad news, I've lost the use of my thumb.

In four weeks, on September 8, if I'm a good patient and heal well, the cast is scheduled to come off. And who knows, my face might even look normal by then, too.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Oops. Time Out!

This post is being written by my daughter. All spelling and grammar mistakes are hers and hers alone.

Odysseuse in cast and black faceHi Readers.

I had a bit of an accident on Sunday. My right arm is broken in three places so I won't be updating my blog for a while.

For those who need to know, I tripped and fell onto the pavement outside my apartment. Noone knows how I messed up the left side of my face while breaking my right arm in three places.

Yes, I am right handed. I won't be updating my blog while I have this heavy cast on my arm.

For those of you squinting at my tee shirt trying to read what it says, Maxine is saying:
I couldn't care less. . . But I'm working on it.

Close up of black face with yellow highlightsThe swelling has gone down in my face and I actually look much better than I did a few days ago.

See that dreamy look in my eye? I'm dreaming of a long shower and being able to drive again. It's going to be a while.

Meanwhile, I'd love to hear from you. Please leave a comment.