Odysseuse on the Move

Monday, December 31, 2007

Janus Shrugged...

and, looking backwards through my eyes, sloughed off the year as being unworthy of further notice. The media are bringing to our attention, in condensed form, all of the details we have observed through 2007, as if we need reminding.

There has been joy and love of friends and family, otherwise the year would have been that of unremitting disasters, not personal but personally felt. So - we are ready, 2008! Tomorrow Janus will have the forward view, optimistic and hopeful that events will justify a good beginning.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

December Fast Forwards to Janus

December, slipping, sliding and stressing towards the Holidays, consumed with preparations, there is little time to to think about and to dwell upon, what the mythical Janus foresaw as 2007 began and what he may be looking back upon twelve months later as 2008 begins. He is a convenient metaphor for short term history.

Many good and sincere resolves were made on New Year's Day 2007. Some were kept. Some were forgotten. Afterthought might say those ignored aims deserved oblivion, or that they are perhaps worthy of reconsideration. Janus accepts reruns!