My Beloved Sidney, New York
This is a personal note occasioned by seeing an aerial view of the flooding in New York state: Sidney, New York in particular.
Sidney is a lovely small town on the Susquehanna River, in the Catskills. I attended first and second grade there - and memories of those early school days are clear and treasured still, years later. When my parents and I moved to Chicago, I cried for the hills and the town we left behind, and hated the flat land of Illinois until time and new experiences dulled the pain.
Sidney is a lovely small town on the Susquehanna River, in the Catskills. I attended first and second grade there - and memories of those early school days are clear and treasured still, years later. When my parents and I moved to Chicago, I cried for the hills and the town we left behind, and hated the flat land of Illinois until time and new experiences dulled the pain.